Independent scholar, cat addict, tattoo lover

Floor schrijft

Considering becoming an indy scholar? 5 tips to get you started…

By Floor Basten

You’re approaching the end of your PhD. While considering your alternatives for work, why not flirt with entrepreneurship? In 2003, almost a year after I left the university, as a postdoc, I decided to start my own business. Twelve years since, I have learned some things I’ll share here with you, so that entrepreneurship can enter your window of opportunities.

- Met Floor Basten.
- Goedemiddag, met mevrouw Huppeldepup van het Tralala Instituut.
- Hallo.
- Ik bel om even een paar gegevens van u te verifiëren in verband met uw afspraak van komende week.
- Prima. Hebt u het instellingsservicenummer van het Tralala Instituut bij de hand?
- Het wat?
- Het instellingsservicenummer van het Tralala Instituut. Anders kan ik u echt niet verder helpen, hoor.
- Eh nee, wat is dat voor nummer?

Life and work of an indy scholar part 8 – In my previous blog I listed some of the things that can keep you from being a successful entrepreneur, all of them involving not having your priorities straight. This week I take a more positive approach and talk about ways to get your indy mojo running. One of the most important assets is a good story. There are two issues you need to take into account and some tricks that will get you into your trade.

Dennis zag het he-le-maal zitten. Vanuit de regiebus sprak hij Elle opgewekt toe: “Vergeet vooral niet de J-Factor te pluggen!” Elle zuchtte. Dennis kon haar gestolen worden, ze wilde haar eigen show redden. Haar omroep was dan fan van families, Nederland bleek moeilijker te overtuigen. Haar laatste troef was live gaan. Daar kreeg ze één kans voor en wel nu. Ze haalde diep adem en haar zorgen veranderden in een professionele ernst vlak voordat de camera liep. “Goedenavond, en welkom bij Familie Fan, waarin we uiteengereten families proberen te lijmen.

Life and work of an indy scholar part 7 - In 1933, the Flemish author Willem Elsschot published the novel Kaas, later translated into Cheese for the English market. The hero of this story, Frans Laarmans, works at the docks of Antwerp. He doesn’t like his job, so he accepts the offer of a friend of his brother’s to become a salesman in cheese.  There’s but one problem: Frans lacks all skills to sell cheese. So here’s my third lesson learned: if your cheese starts to smell dingy, you probably haven’t set your priorities straight.

Life and work of an indy scholar part 6 - On Friday the 13th I moved to the south for a couple of days—the main reason why I skipped last week’s blog. My brief remigration was caused by carnival, that outburst of festivities that Catholics traditionally use to bolster themselves for a period of 40 days of fasting. Traditionally, because nowadays only some rituals remain and hardly any of the revelers are hardcore Catholics, even less of them fast.

Life and work of an indy scholar part 5 - The week was steady as she went. Not that nothing exciting happened, I’m just unsure if it’s exciting for you to read about my daily routines, exciting as they are to me. Not every week is a new adventure, this is not Hollywood and most weeks are about ongoing projects. As a specialist in narrative, I know a diary without new happenings will probably bore you soon, so instead I’ll turn to some reflections about my twelve years of independent scholarship. This decision came up last week and was reinforced by a suggestion dr.

Life and work of an indy scholar part 4 - Last week I announced that I had planned a shut-up-and-write day and I’m sorry to say that I failed to deliver. I shut-up-and-wrote on two late afternoons for a few hours, but I advanced far less than I had hoped to. Sill, having many irons in the fire feels good and I actually added some more this week. After all, writing for academic journals isn’t really my core business as an entrepreneur. I like to write and I get that hosanna feeling when a paper is accepted, but I don’t perish when I don’t publish.

Life and work of an indy scholar part 3 - How to summarize this week? I guess it would be with ‘tying some loose ends’. Some days-in-a-row-off lend themselves perfectly for a mini sabbatical, that time off from work to get work done, and I seize those opportunities to finish things. I had a few appointments outdoors, I talked, together with some colleagues, with a large institute for professional education about a seminar about complexity theory, did another workshop about the feasibility of a PhD project for non-university teachers, but spent most of my week at home.
